Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Growing Pains, a.k.a. Hard, but Good

No, I'm not talking about the 80's show Growing Pains (which was one of my favorites) where a life-altering problem could be introduced, worked through, and solved in 30 minutes. I'm talking about real life - my real life. The past few weeks have been 'hard, but good.' I remember back in the 90's when this seemed to be a catch-phrase among my friends. Eventually it almost turned into a joke - we knew that God was growing us and that was good, but it was not easy. We may have said it jokingly, but knew that it was true.

I don't know about you, but I don't love those 'hard, but good' or 'growing pains' times. In fact, I tend to run from conflict, confrontation, or anything that may come out as remotely negative. Fortunately, God did not design life to be easy or fun all the time. He wants more for us than the superficial, so we go through growing times that aren't always easy.

As I mentioned before, the catalyst for my writing my thoughts in this blog was doing "The Best Yes" study by Lysa Terkeurst. Can I just tell you that I have learned so much through it? It has brought me back to my foundation, and God has revealed to me different things in my own life that He has for me through the past couple of months. I believe that I was in the middle of this study when I was also in the middle of a major decision-making, growing pain-full, hard, but good time for a reason. I have been praying, crying, reading, seeking wisdom, processing, wrestling with my emotions and seeking God for answers. As I told a friend, this situation has me so upset that I can't sleep or eat - two of my very favorite things in the world to do! On the last video session of the study, Lysa says, "Making wise decisions in the midst of trying times can lead to a much bigger Best Yes around the corner - a yes that will become part of your legacy."

I've had a peace about the situation and about the end result since before it came to a breaking point. I know that God is bigger than me, bigger than this situation, and will work for all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). I still don't have a clear answer, or maybe I do, but my heart and feelings are clouding it. I know that God has shown me that I love writing and don't do it enough. I know that He has shown me that I have gifts that are different from the ones that I'm using in my current situation. Now, do I believe that in this trying time saying no is a Best Yes decision and that He will lead me to something much bigger? I suppose I'm learning first-hand what a step of faith is all about.

Though I haven't made a final decision about this specific situation, I know that this hard-but-good time is for a reason. For now I'll keep listening to Him and trust in His Best Yes for me.

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